All orders shipped by registered first class airmail with international tracking number.
Please write your mobile phone number in the address. This is important for good delivery. Please check your shipping address twice and be sure that address is full and correct (full real name and last name, apartment number, house, zipcode etc).
Shipping can be trackable on any international tracking services. Please follow the tracking number and track it time to time to avoid package return (we do not responsible for package return if you provided the wrong address or because of refuse/unclaimed package, so we will not issue full refund in these cases, but we can resend the package if you will pay shipping again or issue a partial refund without shipping cost).
The time to send an order is usually 1 week after checkout. The delivery time itself is usually 1-3 weeks (depending on the delivery country, customs delays and other factors), so the estimated time to receive your order is 3-4 weeks. Sometimes it’s much faster, sometimes longer. So, be patient.
Regular Registered Shipping Mail took 25-45 Working Days or More Delivery Time + Depends on Final Destination in Your Country. We are NOT responsible for Lost, Stolen, or Abandoned Packages And Any Shipping Factors Purely Beyond Our Control (Like; Customs Confiscation, Delay Transportation, etc!)
When Packages left and departed from our country or its origin then We are NOT responsible for Lost, Stolen, or Abandoned Packages And Any Shipping Factors Purely Beyond Our Control (Like; Customs Confiscation, Delay Transportation in Destination Country, Import Tax/Duty, etc. related to Destination Surcharges!).
Please be patience more at this case and We have no control over this whatsoever !!!
Is just rules that we want you to read, but for sure we always do all to deliver your package fast and without any troubles.
We always here and ready to help you with any issues that may happen.