Woven Patch Logo – Jungle Rot | Municipal Waste | Abominable Putridity | Broken Hope | The Clash | Darkthrone | Dark Funeral | Mayhem | Bad Religion | Anti | Crass | In Flames | Absu | Six Feet Under | Napalm Death | Gorerotted | Pyrexia | Bol Thrower


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Jungle Rot | Municipal Waste | Abominable Putridity | Broken Hope | The Clash | Darkthrone | Dark Funeral | Mayhem | Bad Religion | Anti | Crass | In Flames | Absu | Six Feet Under | Napalm Death | Gorerotted | Pyrexia | Bol Thrower

Unofficial / Unlicensed Music Band WOVEN PATCH Merchandise \m/
Fan-Made, Unofficial / Unlicensed High Quality Sew on Woven Patch !
High-Quality Manufactured Woven Patch Merchandise \m/
Brand New, Never Been Worn Merchandise !
Perfect for Sewing onto Bags, Jeans and Jackets, or in fact, wherever you like !

Grab ‘Em Now or Lost in Desperate Cry

Additional information

Weight 10 g

Jungle Rot, Municipal Waste, Abominable Putridity, Broken Hope, The Clash, Darkthrone, Dark Funeral, Mayhem, Bad Religion, Anti, Crass, In Flames, Absu, Six Feet Under, Napalm Death, Gorerotted, Pyrexia, Bol Thrower